The Steam Library Challenge

If you’re like me, you have an awesome problem. You have so many games in your Steam library that you haven’t even touched. You WANT to, but you don’t have time or something else came out that was more interesting or you have a family or you have a job or any other bullshit excuse* you’ve concocted to leave those games you spent cash money on sitting in your library collecting digital dust. Including, ironically, Dust: An Elysian Tale, From Dust, and Dustforce.

Here’s the challenge: Play and beat ALL of the games in your library in any order you choose. HOWEVER! There are some guidelines.

  1. If you’ve already beaten them on another console or on Steam, you may skip it.
  2. If the game is just plain terrible or you can’t beat it because of a lack of skill, you must play at least six hours of it before you actually decide to skip it.
    1. ADDENDUM:  If the game itself is broken or buggy and a developer-side problem is keeping you from completing it, you may skip it entirely and wish a plague upon the heads of the developers if you so choose.
  3. There is no timetable for the challenge, but you MUST complete all of the games before you can purchase another game. This includes non-Steam titles, used games, console games AND mobile games. You may still buy board and card games. That Cards Against Humanity expansion isn’t going to buy itself after all.
    1. ADDENDUM: If someone gifts you a copy of a game, you must add it to the list.
  4. You do not have to complete the game 100% unless you want to. You must only make it to the “proper” end of the game.
  5. Games that have no “proper” ending such as Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+ must be played for the six hour minimum before you can continue down the list.
  6. You can entirely skip games that do not run on your computer, are multiplayer only (Artemis), or have been shut down entirely (MMOs).
  7. Shared Library games do NOT count toward this challenge, but you get Extra Special Bonus Points if you complete them as well. Especially if you complete your friend’s library before they complete their library.

Well, what do you say? Are you up for the Steam Library Challenge?

*The Autistic Gamer would like to note that he in no way meant to imply that having a family, a job, or any other prior obligation was, in any way, an excuse for not playing video games. It is a perfectly valid reason not to play video games and this statement was made for the sake of comedy. If you didn’t find this amusing or you were insulted by it, you should probably take a break from your soul-sucking job and tell your dream-smashing broodswine to shut their goddamned cakeholes for once in their miserable lives.

I’m an aspiring game developer myself and through my studies I’ve become ingrained in both video games and the industry itself. Through this blog, I’ll post my musings (rants and ramblings, too) on recent games I’ve played, the gaming community at large and the pulse of the industry. As a person with one foot in the developer side and one in the gamer side, I feel I offer a unique perspective.

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Posted in Challenge, Gaming Culture, Steam, Valve

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